Twitter, Tweets and Twime to Twalk

Twime to Twitter

It's Twime to Twitter

OK, I admit it.  I’ve been pushing off from joining Twitter for quite some time.  I’m not sure of my aversion other than seeing it as another In-box that I simply did not want to add.  But then a friend of mine posted this blog about Twitter and I admired a few of the points he mentioned including its worth with organizational use.  As I continue to explore and wonder at Web 2.0 initiatives, I’m anxious to follow my readers and see what they are a-Twitter about.

Scoble put out a great piece about following versus being a follower.  I’m not so picky.  I just like to immerse myself in new technology and experiment for myself.  I’m from the Show-Me State after all (Go Tigers!), so I’d like to see how things go for myself.

So, please, CLICK HERE to follow me and I’ll follow you.

It’ll be fun, right?

C’mon – you know you wanna do it.

All the Big Kids are doing it…

One Response

  1. You’ll find Twitter one of those addictive Web 2.0 tools, like updating your Facebook feed (actually, you can connect Twitter and Facebook together and have one update go to both!). I’ve actually had complete conversations with someone over Twitter — in real time — during a conference session. The other guy actually left one session and came to mine!

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